Qiang Fu
Qiang Fu is an economist. He graduated from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University in 1998. He pursued his graduate study of economics at Indiana University, Bloomington from 2000 to 2005, and obtained his Ph.D. in economics.
Qiang joined NUS Business School, National University in 2005 for an academic career. As an applied game theorist, his research focuses on the economics of contests and tournaments and organizational economics.
Qiang offers a broad array of courses at NUS, ranging from Managerial Economics for BBA and MBA, and Game Theoretical Modelling for PhD, to Macro economics and international finance for EMBA.

Mailing Address:
15 Kent Ridge Drive,
Biz 1, #6-42
Singapore 119425
Phone: (+65) 6516-3775
Email: bizfq@nus.edu.sg
Office Biz 1, #6-42